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The Harrow Expo season for 2017 kicked off in fine style on Wednesday 11th October. Level 1, Entry and LLDD students (learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities), delivered their Expo with the theme - 'Yes we can’ which provided a fun, interactive and informative way for guests to learn about disabilities and how we can work to overcome the challenges posed.

Level 1 and Entry students put together their own information leaflets, posters, presentation and quizzes to highlight certain disabilities and topics including Autism, Dyslexia and the challenges of disability in employment. Other students invited guests to make pledges on how they will support people with disabilities.

The Expo theme also meant students could showcase their own talents. IT students produced their own computer games using the theme of healthy eating. Learning Links students applied their musical talents to compile a music play list resulting in a live disco with music, lighting, dancing, karaoke and even their very own student DJ to keep the party going.

Learning for Life and Next Step students showcased their business skills with stalls selling refreshments and a selection of cakes (made by students), plants and cushions whilst the Skills for Work group, currently doing work experience for the Harrow College catering company Wilson Jones, sold pre-packaged convenience goods under their group name of the Snack Pack.

Much of the students Expo work will contribute towards the completion of course units. Speaking after the event, student Javed Hussein, 17, said;

“I’ve really enjoyed working on today’s Expo and sharing my ideas. My group topic was Autism and our aim was to inform the public to treat people with Autism equally”.

The Harrow College Expo celebrates student life at the college. The Expo gives students from each department an opportunity to provide an insight into what they do on their course and what their aspirations are for the year ahead.