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Student stories from across Harrow College...

Be Extrodinary Logo 2023

Find out how our ambitious students are thriving in a supportive, diverse, and modern learning environment.

Caterina's CourageCaterina with her hands up

Caterina's extraordinary journey at Harrow College is a testament to her determination and the power of unwavering support.

Originally from Ukraine, Caterina arrived in the UK seeking to pursue her dreams, and her path led her to Harrow College. Her four-year transformation from a cautious international student with limited English skills to a thriving A-Level student is truly inspirational.

Caterina's dedication shone through as she achieved remarkable success with three As in Biology, Chemistry, and Maths, catapulting her toward a future at City, University of London, where she is currently studying Psychology. Today, Caterina's ambition is to become a clinical psychologist and contribute to research in the field of childhood trauma.

A supportive college experience

What sets Harrow College apart, according to Caterina, is the ‘...unwavering support it offers to its students’. The college provided her with the foundation she needed, offering ESOL courses and preparing her for GCSEs. The staff at Harrow College stood by her side, not only academically but also in her personal growth. They guided her through challenges related to wellbeing, career decisions, and subject choices. In the process fostering a nurturing environment that gave Caterina the courage to strive for her best.

Caterina looking upIn the face of adversity, such as the ravages of war in Ukraine; teachers and staff supported Caterina, helping her maintain her focus on her education during incredibly worrying times.

Caterina is particularly grateful to Harrow College's student support team. The team ensured that she received the support necessary. They provided her with essential advice, ensuring extra time for exams, allowing her to focus on her studies. Importantly, she felt safe and non-judged, highlighting the college's commitment to the well-being of its students.

Caterina's story is a testament to the transformative power of education and support. As she forges ahead with her studies and volunteer work in the field of mental health, her future looks promising.

Her advice to future students is simple yet powerful: "Do it and use your time wisely. Harrow College has excellent teachers and services to guide you on your journey, but ultimately, it's your own commitment that will make the difference.”

Cristian's SparkCristian

Cristian is an inspired and determined student who embarked on a transformative journey at Harrow College. Indeed, Cristian’s career is now on a new trajectory.

A recommendation from a helpful schoolteacher sparked his career into life and led him to the City and Guilds Level 3 Advanced Technical Diploma in Electrical Installation, at the College, a decision that would prove pivotal in his academic and professional pursuits.

This light bulb moment gave Cristian a pathway to the course, and ultimately the practical and theoretical knowledge that he feels is crucial to achieving his future employment goals and entrepreneurial aspirations.

Cristian with his hand to his faceState-of-the-art teaching facilities

What resonated with Cristian was the exceptional quality of teaching and state-of-the-art equipment at Harrow College. In fact, Cristian asserts that, “Harrow College has everything you need for successful career.”

The electrical installation course not only sharpened his technical skills but also instilled a deep sense of confidence through comprehensive revision lessons for Maths and English GCSE. The crowning jewel of Cristian's educational experience was a work placement in sunny Portugal. This incredible opportunity he says gave him a new global perspective and exposure to the challenges of the work environment.

With newfound skills, experiences, and confidence Cristian has now set his sights on becoming an electrician and ultimately opening his own company.

Jing sitting on a chair

Jing’s Journey

Jing’s journey to success is nothing short of inspiring.

From her beginnings as an accomplished animator in Hong Kong to her pursuit of new opportunities 6,000 miles away in the UK, Jing's warmth, dedication, and passion have shone brightly.

Despite the challenges of adapting to a new country and culture, Jing was determined to excel in her studies, and her commitment to learning was evident through excellent attendance and punctuality, setting a high standard for her peers.

However, what truly sets Jing apart is her extraordinary willingness to support others. She not only excelled individually but also went the extra mile to help fellow adult students, volunteering to assist teachers in ESOL classes.

Beyond the classroom

Jing's involvement extends well beyond the classroom. She seized the opportunity to volunteer at the Heath Robinson Museum (a museum dedicated to the renowned artist of the same name)Jing smiling in west London, where her energy earned her a permanent role as an art teacher's assistant in the art workshop. Furthermore, Jing generously shared her artistic talents by teaching Chinese online, demonstrating a further commitment to giving back to the community.

Jing’s involvement in the Principal's Art Competition, which she helped organise, culminated in a winning entry that celebrated the diverse cultures of their fellow students. Jing's selflessness and desire to empower others is truly commendable.

Jing's journey continued with an apprenticeship at Harrow College, HRUC, a testament to her personal growth and determination.

Jing’s positive attitude, friendly nature, and passion for learning were acknowledged by their teachers and peers with a prestigious Student Award.

Jing identifies her father as one of her many inspirations and her own words of advice to the other students is simple and familiar: "Just do it."

Kabir's KickstartKabir

Kabir's decision to attend Harrow College was not just about its proximity to his home, but an astute choice to explore a more technical educational path. The appeal of the Digital Business Course and the College's impressive employability partners made Harrow College an ideal choice for Kabir.

From the outset, Kabir found himself impressed by the College's vibrant campus and the outstanding resources available. As a student on the T Level Digital Business course, having access to well-maintained computers and devices was Kabir says ‘crucial’, and Harrow College met that need.

What stood out even more for the amiable Kabir was the strong support system in place. Whether seeking expert academic guidance from teaching staff or career advice from the careers’ development officer, Kabir always found someone willing to listen.

The opportunities at Harrow College extended beyond the classroom, with Kabir attending exciting events across the country, broadening his personal and professional horizons and enable him to gain invaluable new networking skills.

Becoming an ambassador

Kabir sitting and smilingEnrolled on a T-Level course, Kabir seized the chance to engage with professionals - laying the foundation for a robust network that will serve him well in the future. Kabir says he is particularly grateful to the careers team, whose support helped him secure a valuable 45-day work placement and achieve the distinction of becoming the College’s first-ever Department for Education T-Level Ambassador.

Kabir's academic journey was not without challenges, but he cites solid support from his lecturers. They guided him through classwork, exam preparation, and his Extended Project Qualification (ESP), ensuring that he was well-equipped for success.

Looking ahead, Kabir aspires to follow the apprenticeship route post-college. His sights are set on the technical or business industry, with potential paths in cybersecurity, data analysis, or business analysis. His advice to fellow students echoes his own experiences: "Always take every opportunity you can get. If you don't, you're going to miss out."

Yasmina-Marina's mission

Yasmina smilingBrilliant Yasmina-Marina is a quietly determined student who pursued her BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Applied Science at Harrow College.

Yasmina-Marina's extraordinary journey began with a positive first impression, following a friend's strong recommendation. From there, the welcoming atmosphere and amazing people she met created the right environment for Yasmina Marina to thrive.

Harrow College, according to Yasmina-Marina, is not just a place of education; it's an incredible space where learning seamlessly intertwines with enjoyment. The College provides her the freedom to be herself every day, making time seem to fly by while she's on campus.

During breaks, Yasmina-Marina “finds solace” in the Learning Resource Centre (LRC), indulging in her joy of reading and peaceful revision. The College offers excellent facilities for students to study, chill out, or unwind with a good book.

For Yasmina-Marina, the most enjoyable aspect of her College experience is science. She admires the detailed explanations provided by her science teachers and appreciates their methodical and calm teaching styles.

One of Yasmina-Marina's key highlights at College is the help and support she received from her teachers and tutor. Their assistance and constant support were pivotal in her academic journey, being there for her whenever needed.

Be your own inspiration

YasminaImpressively, Yasmina-Marina took on the additional role of a Course Representative and seized the opportunity to travel abroad for work experience, broadening her horizons and gaining valuable new insights.

Looking ahead, Yasmina-Marina now has ambitious plans to attend university and pursue a degree in finance and investment, starting in September. Her dream is to become a Finance Manager. And she imagines a future where she owns her business and serves as her own manager.

What inspires Yasmina-Marina daily is her determination to work hard and achieve the seemingly impossible. She firmly believes in being her own inspiration, a philosophy that has fuelled her success at Harrow College.

In her own words, Yasmina-Marina encourages others, saying, "You will never regret it if you choose Harrow College. If you want to become someone important, the person who can help you is yourself. Believe it or not, you are the one who can make your future better. Just believe in yourself. Be your own inspiration, and whenever you need help, ask for it."

Zak Zak's on Track

Among the highlights of an outstanding educational journey, Zak singles out engaging with the Department for Education (DfE) and representing the College at a national conference. He has done this alongside his studies and a prestigious placement at Pearson – the world’s largest education publisher.

The College’s ability to forge partnerships with a range of employers initially provided Zak with the confidence that he would be able to secure an invaluable industry placement with a reputable organisation.

When searching for Colleges, Zak says he decided on studying Digital Business Services at Harrow College for several compelling reasons.

“Initially, it stood out as the sole institution offering the T-Level programme at the time, with the added convenience of being local to me.”

He adds, “The College has everything you need for a successful career.”

Zak standing next to chairFurthermore, entreprising Zak says his choice was motivated by the College’s commitment to providing modern IT and its inviting, open campus spaces. Zak says he found excellent support from his teachers, and he adds importantly, “My family always inspires me to achieve the highest.”

Harrow College is the ideal launchpad

Zak is clear about his biggest accomplishment. “I was incredibly proud to be selected as a student ambassador for T-Levels at the College.”

This impressive milestone was testimony to Zak’s energy, and as his ability to be a positive exemplar to others.

Looking ahead, Zak now has his eyes set on a career in the exciting world of cybersecurity – working to tackle the ever-increasing risks of cyber-attacks - and he’s already actively collaborating with an employer to explore degree apprenticeship opportunities.

Harrow College has proven to be the ideal launchpad for Zak to cultivate the skills and knowledge essential for a successful career.


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At Harrow, Richmond and Uxbridge Colleges (HRUC), every journey is unique. Our students achieve something extraordinary - be it through academic studies, vocational work, volunteering, or other paths. These stories embody our commitment to core values: 'high expectations' and 'diversity,' celebrating inclusion, belonging, and success.