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The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will mark World Mental Health Day at an event hosted by Mind, the mental health charity, at Harrow College on Saturday, 10 October 2015.

The Duke and Duchess will meet young people who have battled their own mental health problems and now volunteer with Mind in Harrow or the anti-stigma campaign Time to Change, to raise awareness about mental health with other young people.

Work to build awareness and understanding of mental health problems is a major priority for both The Duke and Duchess. The Duke recently took part in an anti-bullying workshop run by the Diana Awards charity, and The Duchess visited the Anna Freud Centre in London to continue her work on the mental health of children.

Pat Carvalho, Principal and Chief Executive at Harrow College said: “I am delighted the College has been chosen to host this event and promote Mind’s campaign. There are increased pressures on young people and it’s important that we provide them with the right guidance, support and environment to enable them to reach their potential and be successful.”

Paul Farmer, Chief Executive at Mind, said: “The Duke and Duchess will meet young people who have experienced mental health problems and volunteer for our Mindkit project which is being delivered across London and educates young people about emotional health and resilience. They will also be introduced to some of our Time to Change young champions. Through this invaluable work we are reaching more young people every year, raising awareness about mental health and breaking down the stigma that stops young people speaking out and getting help. Together we’ll celebrate both the personal achievements of young people who battle mental health problems every day, and the success of local projects that work to help young people through difficult times.

The Duke and Duchess are committed to raising awareness about the mental health problems faced by young people and we are grateful that they have chosen to champion Mind’s work. We hope it will inspire a new generation of young people to not be afraid or ashamed to talk about mental health problems.”  

Full operational details for the visit will be announced in due course.