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As part of their Public Service Project, a group of Level 3 Vocational Studies students made a trip to South Harrow Police Station to see how things operate.

Students testing out the Breathalyser machineDuring their visit, they got to experience what it is like to use a breathalyser machine as well as the procedures involved in detaining and bringing someone in to the station. Staff discussed in detail how they have been trained to work and deal with bringing in individuals that have learning difficulties, as well as what a person's rights are when being detained.

In the parking lot, students were able to compare South Harrow Police Station’s current police cars with their vintage powder blue UAF224S Austin Allegro from the 1970s. It was very interesting to note and discuss how technology and the needs of policing and patrolling have changed over the years. The class also got to experience what it was like to be inside a police minibus that is equipped to deal with major incidents and rioting in the city.Students exploring the riot van

Student, Athithiya Balendra, found the experience really informative; "The police station trip was exciting. I learned some new stuff like the breathalyser. I also learned about the cells, how the Police bring in criminals, how they check them and how they detain them. I asked if the police get trained to deal with people with learning difficulties. 

Aya El-Mahmoud said, “It was a special trip and good experience. We all asked a lot of questions and also learned about police work and how they work together with the local community.”

The trip has really left an impression on the class who have learned so much about how the police work with the local community in South Harrow to keep everyone safe. 

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