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The Communication Support Unit at Harrow College recently took thirteen deaf and hard of hearing students to visit the University of Wolverhampton.

The university’s Student Enabling Centre arranged a fantastic open day specifically for the Harrow College students, tailored to meet their individual interests. Interpreters were provided for the entire day and students were equipped with electronic notes.

The students from Harrow were given a warm welcome by the university which included talks by university staff, a recent graduate who is deaf as well as current undergraduate students. This was followed by a tour of the university campus where the Harrow College learners were invited to sit in on a Deaf Studies lecture taught by a deaf lecturer using sign language. The tour also included an extensive visit to the impressive university Art and Design facilities. The Wolverhampton students were generous with their time staying with the Harrow College students during lunch and giving the group a personal insight into their courses and university life. During this time the students also met the university’s chef who is deaf and had the opportunity to catch up with an ex-Harrow College student who is now in his final year of university studies.

Following the lunch break, students were given a tour of the halls of residence before the day ended with a question and answer session with the head of the university Student Enabling Centre and current students.

Click here for more on the Communication Support Unit at Harrow College.