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Vibe 107.6 FM is a community radio station run by volunteers who broadcast in Watford and the surrounding area including Harrow.

The student team from Harrow College Radio (HC Radio) were lucky enough to get a behind-the-scenes look at the station and meet the producers and presenters. As well as learning about the technical aspects of running a radio station, the students got a live demonstration on how to produce a show.

They were challenged to create their own links (sound bites that link music together) which they presented live on the 5pm drivetime show. Harrow College students Gideon Anane (DJ Gids from HC Radio) presented a link about Cheryl Cole's alleged spilt from Liam Payne. Chloe Heffernan talked about her passion for Harry Potter and Queanna Gordon talked about the Beast from the East, the snow storm which recently hit the U.K.

Vibe 107.6 FM were fantastic hosts and keen to share their expertise, knowledge and tips and the team from HC Radio are looking forward to putting their newly acquired skills into practice across the Harrow College airwaves.

Click here to listen to past HC Radio shows