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Finding a part time job takes time and effort so here are some tips to help you along the way:

  • The Largest employers of students tend to be supermarkets, for examples Sainsbury's, Tesco etc. followed by chain shops, such as Marks & Spencer, Boots TKMaxx etc.
  • Be aware that some shops e.g. Gap, Next expect a high level of customer service and you need to know about their company and products.
  • Apart from shops consider Fast Food Restaurants, Summer camps, Festivals, Sports/Theatre Venues, Sports Centres, Cleaning Companies, etc.
  • Think small, one of the best ways to find a flexible job is to target small employers. Check out small shops on your local high street such as Dry Cleaners, independent cafes.
  • Always have a copy of your typed CV & Covering letter when job hunting. These documents represent YOU, your skills and abilities, so make sure you have checked it for mistakes!
  • Avoid going into a shop and asking for a job during their busiest time from 12-3pm. If there are no vacancies, ask to leave your CV & Covering Letter on file for future jobs.
  • Don't be disheartened if a company has not got back to you. Try to follow up your applications by giving them a call to find out whether you have been successful or not.
  • If you have no success, consider voluntary work half day a week with Oxfam, Scope etc. This will give you useful retail training and work experience.
  • Network, network, network: As in any job search, the best way to find part-time opportunities is through a process of active networking. Tell everyone you know that you are interested in working part-time; reach out to former colleagues, employers and personal friends through both in-person initiatives and social-media channels.

Always be prepared for an interview, even when you are making a telephone enquiry, as employers could use this opportunity to find out more about you and how well you communicate verbally. Try and prepare answers to the following questions:

• What do you think this job involves?
• What do you know about the business/company?
• Tell me about yourself.
• What skills or experience you have that might help you in this job?
• What is important when dealing with customers?

Use the internet to gain information on the company and to prepare yourself. There's lots of free advice on interview techniques, CV advice, questions to ask during an interview, telephone techniques etc. Use

Remember first impressions count, so even if you are dropping off a CV, please look professional and smile!
Good Luck!

Here are some useful website to help you get started