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With students anxiously preparing for end of year exams and final coursework submission, the college were keen to acknowledge and reward students achieving high attendance levels during the spring term. Over 550 students achieved attendance over 95% and were entered into a draw to win one of two IPADS.

During the annual Student Union Summer BBQ event which took place earlier this month, Vice Principal Dylan McTaggart proudly drew two names from those who had achieved the attendance standard. The winning names were Vibushika Vigneswaran, 17, and Leighton Ngenge, 17 who were both present at the event and were clearly delighted with their prize and were each given a loud round of applause by the on looking crowd of over 400 students.

So not to interrupt the party atmosphere of the Summer BBQ Event, the two students were later presented an iPad each in the presence of their peers by Harrow College Director of Student Experience Lee Janaway (pictured) who again congratulated the individuals and others in the classes with high attendance. All students who achieved the high standard will receive a college certificate to recognise their efforts.

Vibushika, a BTEC Level 1 Business student achieved 97.1% attendance whilst Leighton recorded a near perfect 99.7% attendance. There is no surprise that their attendance and achievement to date has reflected positively in their academic progress.

Speaking after the presentation, Director of Student Experience, Lee Janaway said “Student attendance is a key priority for the college and further student initiatives will continue to ensure we recognise those students who show true dedication to completing their programmes of study and support the college to maintains high student attendance.”

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