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A number of Harrow College students have won the highly respected Jack Petchey Gold Achievement Award for their efforts and dedication during the academic year.

The scheme is a reward and recognition initiative which enables youth organisations like Harrow College to celebrate the achievements of their young people.

During the 2014/15 year, a total of nine gold awards were achieved by students across different age groups and subject areas.

Sandie Petrie, Student Enrichment Coordinator at Harrow College said "the recipients of these gold awards are very deserving and humble students. They've shown so much enthusiasm and dedication both in and out of the college and we're really pleased they have been recognised".

The Jack Petchey Foundation was launched in 1999 by Jack Petchey CBE, himself an East End entrepreneur. He is now 89 years old and his is a real 'rags to riches' story. He left school with no qualifications when he was 13, joining the Navy and later went on to apply for management training at a Solicitors Society where he was told he would never make a businessman. Jack refused to give up. Investing his £39 discharge gratuity from the Navy, he bought his first second hand car and started a taxi business. He worked long and hard, overcoming adversity and going on to become a multi-millionaire through his various business ventures, which have spanned from motor car dealing and garages to property, travel and investment.

On their website, a quote from Jack Pethchey reads "We do it because we want to help young people raise their aspirations, believe in themselves and make a contribution to their society".

As well as their Gold Awards, each student winner also receives a grant of £200 which is to be used for the benefit of a group. Some of the examples of how the grants have been used include museum trips, fun days out and the purchase of online resources.

Below are the winners with detail of why they won Gold;

  • Xiao Chen, 19, studying AS Maths and Further Maths. As well as her own studies, Xiao has been helping two other students with their GCSE Maths. She has gone way beyond the one hour per week expected in this scheme, meeting her pupils in the public library at weekends and spending hours there with them. Her pupils describe her as "amazing" and "great".
  • Ahmed Hamza, 17, volunteers 45 minutes of his time every weekend to coach table tennis to youngsters aged 8-14. He also freely gives up his time to coach in the college holidays on a voluntary basis. One of his pupils is now playing at a competitive level.
  • Roxana-Tatiana Ciocoi, 18, who, as well as being a College Ambassador and Class Representative, also takes on voluntary work at St Lukes Hospice and their local shop. She has also taken part in the National Citizenship residential programme for young people who want to make a difference in their local community.
  • Nor Hamza, 21, is a Tutor Group Representative on the Student Council and has participated in college wide events. Nor is also a high achieving student whose website design was voted second best by business & technology solutions giant Cap Gemini (out of 80+ students) and has also been selected to take part in an event at IBM regarding their smart world plan.
  • Kadar Kahie, 21, is an avid film maker and has worked on a corporate promotional video project for the college focusing on learning engagement, attributes and progression. He has been a leader on this project and has plans to create amazing videos for the college to use in years ahead.
  • Simon Clack, 21, is on the college Learning Links programme. As part of his course to integrate students into the community, Simon works very closely with MENCAP, collecting money, attending events and lots more. Simon has helped to cement the link between Harrow College and MENCAP.
  • Alma-Ella Angela Bida, 17, has an active role in the college Student Union which represents all students at Harrow College. In addition, she is also a college ambassador working to support new students at college and in her tutor group encouraging them to become class reps.
  • Shivani Pindora, 16, has had 100% attendance on her college beauty course. She enjoys participating in and organising charity events and is very dedicated and hard working. She was asked to act as salon manager and salon receptionist during practical sessions which she took in her stride passing all of her assessments.
  • Bibiana Malawakula, 18, has been an enthusiastic supporter of the Art Department Gallery which showcases student works of art to the local community. She has helped to organise and man the gallery liaising with other students, staff, members of the public as well as members of the Harrow Arts Society to exhibit students work and to advertise this to the local community in Harrow.