Harrow College Student Services Support During Enforced College Closure
Dear Student,
As you will now have heard in recent government announcements about the Covid-19 virus, the college will be closed from Monday 23rd March. We understand that this may be a very difficult time for students and wish to make you aware of support you can continue to access from the Student Services team.
College Bursary Payments
The College will look to continue to pay students their weekly bursary, providing they have attended regularly throughout the academic year. We will continue to review this dependent on College budgets. Students will not be paid during the Easter holiday dates.
Free College Meals
It is our intention to pay students who are entitled to Free College Meals a weekly payment of £10 during the Enforced College Closure. Student Services staff will make contact with any student whose bank account we do not have.
Student Wellbeing Support
Any students who is concerned by about their own wellbeing during the enforced College Closure can contact the Student Services Team by email
Students who have seen our Student Support Officer for Mental Health concerns, can contact Lisa Brown during her working hours, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday by email
Students can continue to access counselling support through Kooth, which is available via the College App and additional wellbeing resources and links are available on Moodle.
Harrow College has a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of its young people and vulnerable adults both in and out of college. Students who are concerned about things such as physical/domestic/mental abuse, being exploited, neglect or topics such as serious violence and crime should contact the Student Services Team by email
Looked After Children
An email will be sent out to all Looked After Children detailing support available and our Student Support Officer for Looked After Children Sarita Sharma will continue to offer support for Looked After Children and liaise with Social Workers.
Sarita Sharma is available Monday to Thursday between 9.30am and 4pm and can be contacted by email
Careers Support
The Careers Team will be on hand to support any student who has a question in regards to Careers Information, Advice or Guidance. They can be contacted by email at
Please continue to check the College website, Moodle, College App and College emails regularly for updates and we look forward to remaining in contact with you during this period.
If you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Lee Janaway, Head of Guidance, Student Services and Designated Safeguarding Lead by email
Best wishes and stay healthy!
The Student Services Team
A merger between Harrow College & Uxbridge College