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Health & Social Care and Childcare students have delivered a timely exhibition event to highlight some of the key issues affecting health and wellbeing in young people. In a week that is nationally recognised as Mental Health Awareness Week, students led workshops and activities which addressed key issues and also the interventions and positive steps which students can take to remain fit, healthy and safe.

The Level 3 students took over the first floor of the colleges Enterprise Centre on 17 May 2016 and set up display boards with colourful presentations, diagrams and information. Each exhibition stand was dedicated to different topics which included alcohol and drugs awareness, healthy eating, keeping active, benefits of pilates, smoothie making ideas, safe sex information and how mental health is portrayed on TV. Mental health charity MIND were also involved and provided lots of information about mental health and wellbeing.

The activities from the day were influenced by the engagement that students have had with organisations from within the sector during this academic year including MIND, Harrow Health Watch, Harrow Youth Parliament and The British Heart Foundation. Along with Harrow College, all organisations support the 'The Five Year Forward View for Mental Health,' that states, 'Children and young people are a priority group for mental health promotion and prevention'.

Mark Gillham, Chief Executive of Harrow MIND was “delighted” to open the event which was open to all students and staff to come along. One of the exhibitors was Health and Social care student Laraib Haider, 18, who said “Today has been really enjoyable and a great opportunity to spread the word about mental health and raising the profile about a topic which is often not spoken about. I hope to go to university after completing my course to study Counselling and Psychology”.

Kelly Ocloo is a Health and Social Care lecturer at Harrow College who commented after the event saying:

“Our students have really embraced today and delivered a high quality exhibition. They have carried out weeks of planning and research and during the process they have learnt and developed many of the attributes that we promote at Harrow college such as; team working, leadership skills, partnership working and effective communication. They have put a huge amount of thought and effort into how their activities and workshops can support good mental health and wellbeing in young people".

Click here for more information on Health and Social Care courses at Harrow College.