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Business students got in on the Harrow College Expo 2016 action last week by hosting their Expo which had the theme - ‘Starting your own business’. The young learners used this opportunity to put their knowledge to the test by delivering a masterclass on the intricate details of going it alone in the world of business.

Guests including fellow students, tutors and invited guests had the opportunity to mingle with the events hosts and learn more about the event. Refreshments had been laid out for guests and displays put on show by the passionate young learners who had spent many weeks learning about this and related topics during class time.

The business students split themselves into small groups where each had prepared a laptop presentation. The students invited guests to come to their tables where they then introduced themselves and their projects in a very professional manner. They created business scenarios to set the scene and posed questions relating to important issues such as business type, sources of funding and tax before providing thoroughly clear and concise responses. Each group member spoke with confidence, relating theoretical information to real life examples.

It was clear that the students had spent a lot of time preparing for the event – both in terms of learning the information acquired during class time as well as how they would structure their presentations, take questions and provide clearly worded answers. By the end of the Expo, guests were left feeling not only very well informed but also extremely impressed by the levels of quality and professionalism displayed by the Level 3 students.

Reflecting on the Business Expo, Sultan Soukani, Senior Curriculum Manager for Business and ICT said:

"By presenting our students with real life scenarios, not only do they learn the fundamentals of the curriculum but they do so in a way which is relevant, interactive and enjoyable. Feedback from students and guests today has been very positive".

Click here for more on Business courses at Harrow College.