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Sports students were given a motivational talk by a former Harrow College student before she jetted off to complete the final stages of her qualification for the Rio Olympics.

Faye McClelland is a four-time World Paratriathlon Champion and three times European Champion and will be aiming to represent Great Britain at this summer’s Rio 2016 Paralympics Games taking place 7-18 September.

Faye has fond memories of her time studying at Harrow College and was keen to spend some time with the sports student to share some of her experiences.

The packed room of enthusiastic students listened carefully as Faye gave an insight into how she discovered sport and her motivations for pursuing her dreams of being a paratriathlete (which consists of swimming, cycling and running). She spoke about her training schedule and the importance of diet and exercise. Faye, who was born without her left hand, also touched on the adversities she has overcome and the psychological barriers she has faced. The overarching message of the day was around motivation, commitment and to work hard to achieve your goals.

Students asked lots of questions, keen to learn as much as possible from the Olympic gold medal hopeful. Many of the topics covered by Faye supported college work done by the students this year as part of their sports courses. Faye thoroughly enjoyed the session and was full of praise for the students for showing such a keen interest.

Speaking about the talk, Shelley Mitchinson – Sports Course Leader at Harrow College said “we’re delighted to have brought Faye back to the college today. Throughout the year, we aim to take our students out on inspirational visits and to meet inspiring people. Today has been a great example of that and the students have all benefited greatly from meeting Faye”.

Click here for more on Sports Courses at Harrow College.