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Today Science and Math students at Harrow College hosted their #HarrowEXPO16 event to celebrate student attributes through the themes of 'Science in Action' and a 'Maths in Business' competition.

The Science and Math takeover saw exhibitions delivered by A-level and BTEC students at the Harrow Weald campus.

Biology students demonstrated a series of tests including eye dissections, whilst Chemistry students put safety first as they carried out a number of live experiments including exothermic reactions that kept visitors intrigued throughout the afternoon.

The audience included local primary school children from Mitchell Brook Primary School, as part of Harrow College’s ‘Little Einstein’ programme.

Math students were briefed with a £200k budget which they ‘spent’ on planning how to run a business in relation to their core subject area. In small groups students were tasked to research costs for starting a business. After researching and presenting their findings, a winning group were chosen by visitors on the day of the EXPO presentation.

STEMNET ambassadors also participated in today’s event, with representatives from the NHS, Kings College London, KCL Dental Society and Blenkharn Environmental delivering employability talks to students.

Continuing the focus on employability, Level 1 students were also involved in a recruitment process with their Level 3 peers. A selection of ‘jobs’ were available and Level 3 students were encouraged to apply to be interviewed by their fellow Level 1 students. The learning exchange allowed both groups to understand the professionalism required for job interviews, as well as the type of roles that studying a course at Harrow College could lead to.

Michael Worgs, Senior Curriculum Manager for Science and Maths said: “Students at Harrow College are supported to be engaged, challenged and to enjoy their programmes of study. Today’s EXPO has allowed students to commit to the initial few weeks' of their programme and has successfully introduced fun to the learning environment. I’m really pleased with the support that the students have received from visitors of today’s event and the ongoing success that these students will now enjoy.”

Applications for 2017 are now being accepted. Browse and apply to join a Science or Maths course at Harrow College today.