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More than a third of young people expect to have at least five jobs in their lifetime, with 75% believing that long term employment with one company is a thing of the past.

The new research of more than 1,000 14-19 year olds currently in education, reveals that one in seven expect to work in at least four industries and that an unstable job market will force them to change roles regularly.

Career Colleges Trust provide 14-19 year olds with high quality, employer-led education – ensuring they are equipped with the skills needed to progress into employment or higher education. 

At Harrow College, two Career Colleges opened in September 2015, specialising in Digital & Creative and the UK’s first for Professional & Business Services. These are industries which are facing severe skills gaps over the next few years and as a result, offer exciting career opportunities for young people.

Employer involvement is integral to the Career Colleges concept – providing students with exposure to work and the workplace.

Pat Carvalho, Principal and CEO at Harrow College says: “Harrow College is committed to developing an entrepreneurial mindset in young people and this too is at the heart of the Career Colleges Trust. The College has chosen Creative & Digital and Professional & Business Services as its two Career Colleges because of their relevance to London’s economic drive for growth in these sectors and locally to strengthen the College’s contribution to the Regeneration Strategy for Harrow and improving the job prospects of young people"

Luke Johnson, Chairman of the Career Colleges Trust who commissioned the research, says: “We are keen to highlight to the next generation that there are many industries offering exciting career paths, with many job opportunities at all levels. Skills gaps are growing and employers are finding it more of a challenge than ever to recruit a skilled workforce."

Former Education Secretary and Founder and Trustee of the Career Colleges Trust, Lord Baker, says: “We need to ensure our youngsters get better careers advice at an earlier age, and have access to innovative educational pathways like Career Colleges, to prepare them for employment.”

Harrow College and Career Colleges Trust understand the need to ensure that young people are aware of the expanding industries in which many jobs will be available over the next 10-20 years – such as digital, construction, healthcare, hospitality and many more. High quality educational pathways must also be available to provide people with the support and guidance to acquire the employment and life skills needed to succeed in their chosen career.

Career Colleges offer young people real opportunities to develop their employability and entrepreneurial skills to make informed choices about their future careers.

Join Career Colleges at Harrow College or browse our courses and apply today.