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Computing students at Harrow College were interviewed by leading representatives from the world of IT last week as part of a special mock interview careers event.

Employers from over twenty organisations including BT, BAE Systems, GlaxoSmithKline and Capgemini conducted fictional employment interviews, just as they would in a real life situation, to ensure students received the best understanding of a formal work related interview process. Many of the students will face interviews from IT employers in the future and career preparation like this is designed to give the young learners a head start on their career journeys.

The students faced a number of questions during their 30 minute interview including:

  • What are some of the skills you have developed recently that would be useful for employment?
  • What motivates you?
  • Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?

Students were then assessed on their responses but also other important competencies including their dress code, time keeping and body language. The employers were constructive with their feedback to ensure students took away key learning’s from the experience including what they could improve on for future interviews and how their overall CV’s could be developed.

Speaking after the event, Nisha Raithatha, Computing & IT lecturer at Harrow College commented “the mock interviews today have been really good. The experience has given students an opportunity to build their confidence and communication skills. Feedback has also helped them to understand what employers expect from applicants. Both employers and students really embraced the day and we look forward to our students engaging in similar career development initiatives in the future”.

The event was just one of a series of events taking place across the College to celebrate National Careers Week which is taking place all this week.

If you are interested in IT and computing courses at Harrow College, click here.