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We have a fantastic team of teachers here at Harrow College and we’d like you to meet them. So, we asked a few teachers the following 5 questions:

  • What is your role at Harrow College?
  • What teaching experience do you have?
  • What do you love most about teaching at Harrow College?
  • Why do students enjoy your course?
  • Tell us about your most successful students?

Here is what they said:

Panos Nicolaides - Business Studies

I teach Business Studies (BTEC and HNC), Economics and AAT. I try to bring into the classroom my experience in industry and the real world, as best I can. Of course the real world has a habit of spoiling our wonderful theories.

I started in teaching quite late in life and now have 10 years’ experience. Apart from the first two years the rest have been at Harrow College.

Believe it or not what I love about teaching is the students. Watching them grow and acquire knowledge is a real privilege. They never cease to surprise you, sometimes in daft ways but often in really wonderful ways.

Hopefully it is because I endeavour to make it real and show them how it applies to the real world. I have a real passion for my subject and hope that this shines through.


Shruti Ratna - Science

I am the Science Co-ordinator as well as being a LIC (which stands for Learning Innovation Coach (I basically facilitate teacher training through workshops and coaching). I also teach Biology.

I have about 13 years teaching experience, mainly teaching Biology across a range of programmes (GCSE, A-Level and Applied Science). I have also worked internationally teaching Science and Biology.

I love the warm and friendly atmosphere at Harrow College. Teachers have a good relationship with their students and I feel this motivates students to try their best.

The new Science laboratories have been designed to a high spec with excellent resources to enhance the student experience. The Science teaching staff are very experienced and we run a variety of courses from level 1 to level 3. Our learners progress well onto a range of Science disciplines such as Biomedical Science, Engineering, Pharmacy and Medicine.

Last year a high percentage of my A-level Biology learners achieved a high grade, including one who did exceptionally well and secured a place at Maastricht University in Amsterdam to study Science.


Parvaneh Alinaghian - Maths

I am Curriculum Manager for Mathematics.

I have been teaching Maths for more than 20 years at all levels.

What I love most is when I see students work hard and succeed in their course and then progress to the next phase of their life.

Students enjoy maths at Harrow College for a number of reasons. When we recently asked them they said:

  • "I now feel I can face any problem even in daily life"
  • "The maths teachers at Harrow College are very supportive and i can always go to their office for help"
  • "The teaching methods are excellent"
  • "Maths at Harrow College has helped me become a rational and organised person"

While studying Maths, Students grasp that Maths is a profound language and although it is a reasonably neutral subject it is easily combined with other courses, especially Science and this is one reason they enjoy Maths. As a Maths teacher and someone who loves Maths, I share my passion with my learners and this encourages them to study maths. Students are also very well supported.

Student success! Rui Tao is one of my A-level students who participated in the UK senior Maths Challenge and also Senior Kangaroo completions in both 2016 and 2017. In 2016 she was awarded a Certificate of Merit in the Kangaroo Challenge and a gold certificate for the UK Senior Maths Challenge. Rui’s predicted grade is A* and she has achieved an offer from Imperial College to study Chemistry.


Celia Reece - Learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LLDD)

I am a lecturer on the Learning Links course at Harrow College.

I have taught at Harrow College for over 25 years.

I work with a fantastic team of people where no two days are the same. I love watching the students' confidence grow by involving them in every aspect of their learning journey at college.

The Learning Links students are on a life skills course with literacy, ICT and numeracy incorporated into everything they do. They run a shop at college and design and make things for the shop. They do horticulture and learn how to grow and care for plants and run a mini enterprise plant sale. Students have cooking classes and bake for charity events and open days. They take part in art events and join in enrichment activities; at the moment they can choose from swimming or cricket.

One of our staff taught a student to swim as the result of weekly swimming sessions at the local pool. When we took her group to the seaside, she swam in the sea for the first time in her life. The staff will never forget the delight she took in the experience.


Kathy Fry - Maths


I teach Maths AS and A level.

As my current age is both a perfect square and a perfect cube, you will be able to deduce that I have many years of teaching experience.

Teaching at Harrow College is hard work, but never boring. And Maths is Fun!

Students will enjoy the satisfaction of solving challenging problems.

Maths A level is difficult work but lessons are interactive with lots of class discussion and banter. Classrooms decorated with attractive, relevant posters and student work. There are opportunities to enter competitions. For those who need some extra support, a “buddy scheme” is available.

A recent student who was successful academically achieved A* in both Maths and Further Maths A levels. She is now studying Physics at Oxford University.


Eduard Niga - ESOL

I teach within the ESOL department as an ESOL English/Maths/IT Lecturer.

I have been teaching since 2008.

The team I work with and the rapport with the students is what I love about teaching at Harrow College.

I think the reason why students enjoy my lessons is because I don't take myself too seriously (I do of course take the job very seriously though!) and like to have fun during my lessons.

Student success! Hama (his nickname) wasn't one of the strongest students in class, however he kept working hard during his GCSE classes 4 years ago and now, he is at University studying for a Sports degree. He came to see me at the beginning of this academic year and I was really pleased to see how focused and professional he has become.


Helen Sabonjian - ICT

I’m a lecturer in the ICT department. I started at Harrow College on a part-time basis in 1995, teaching basic computing to ESOL students, and now work full-time teaching BTEC Level 3. 

What I love most about my job is that it’s different every year because of the students. Teaching is a busy and stressful profession but it’s one I enjoy and there’s nothing better than reaching the end of the academic year and seeing how much they’ve grown in confidence and abilities.

I like to keep in touch with students who have left, finding out about their studies at university and their jobs. Many go on to lead very successful careers. One of my ex-tutees achieved top grades here at Harrow, then went on to achieve a First at university and is now in his 2nd year of a Graduate Training Scheme at IBM. I feel very proud of not just that student, but all of them.


Wayne Anthony Wright - Electrical / Construction


I am a Skills Centre lecturer in Electrical engineering.

I have been teaching for the past 10 years.

I have always enjoyed the moment when students first understand how a lighting circuit functions and quite literally have that 'Light bulb moment'!

Student success! Jack O'Connor is a former student who successfully completed Level 1 Electrical at the Harrow College Skills Centre and progressed to level 2 and 3 at Whitefriars. After successfully completing his Level 3, he has been working as a self-employed electrician in the local area.


Vishal Raja - Media

I am a Digital Media Lecturer and Media Course Leader with over 10 years’ experience delivering on many creative subjects including Media, Graphics, Art & Design and Photography.

Harrow as a borough and as a college is one of the most diverse places on Earth and I feel privileged to have taught many students from around the world. It is amazing to see so many different cultures within one room learning together as well as being friendly, respectful and building relations with each other.

Students can look forward using professional hardware & software, live client assignment briefs, developing communication, confidence & presentation skills as well as developing practical/technical/media specialist skills.

We have had numerous students progress onto various areas of the TV, Film, Visual/Special Effects, Music, Journalism, Marketing industries around the world. Some of our ex-students have or are currently working locally at the BBC and Sky Studios; others are working internationally in different film industries like Nollywood (Nigerian), Bollywood (Indian), Tamil (Sri Lankan) & Cinema of Canada. Two of our most decorated learners recently are Rashid Kasirye & Pratik Unia.

Rashid is the co-owner of Link Up TV, a rap promotional channel and website based in London, United Kingdom. Pratik is the founder of Unia Productions, a professional wedding photography and video production team based in London, specialising in Asian weddings.


Easwari Chandramohan - Business

I am a Business and Law Lecturer.

I have been a lecturer in Harrow College for 11 years. I started out teaching A-Level Law. I am currently teaching Business Studies at various levels including Btec Level 3, Access to Higher Education and Higher National Certificate. A few of the areas that I teach in the course include Business Communications, Marketing and Law.

Harrow College promotes a positive learning environment and its philosophy on student centred values makes the college a comfortable teaching as well as learning environment. Students are set with high expectations and most of them meet or exceed their expectation and are highly motivated in the academic area as well as their personal development which helps them in their progression into higher education and employment.

The course offers an interactive learning environment. As part of the course, students will have the opportunity take part in employer engagement events to nurture their employability skills. Further to this, we have trips, guest speakers, and Expo and Enterprise projects where students are provided with opportunities to use their creativity and innovative skills.

One of our students progressed well in the Business course and is currently studying BSc Economics in the London School of Economics. The student was reserved when he started the course but with the teaching support he received in Harrow College, he became more confident with giving presentations, interview skills and he developed his written formal English – it is these skills that played a big part in him getting a place in the course

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