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Media students have taken part in a pitching workshop hosted by the Westminster University media department (on 13 May 2016) as part of a continued program of professional skills based learning.

A pitch is typically a concise verbal (and sometimes visual) presentation of an idea for a film or TV series generally made by a screenwriter or film director to a film producer or studio executive in the hope of attracting development finance to pay for the writing of a screenplay.

Many of the BTEC Level 3 year 1 learners were pitching for either a hypothetical film, social media TV show or media production.

Learners worked in pairs to write a pitch and were then given the task of presenting their pitch in the university lecture theatre in no more than 5 minutes to a panel of university judges. On looking students were then invited to provide feedback and ask questions to the presenting pair. Each team received constructive feedback on their pitch from the Westminster University judges.

Owen Price, Curriculum Manager for Art, Design and Media at Harrow College commented "It was wonderful to see how well our learners responded to the professional rigours of a university workshop. Their pitches were terrific with real imagination and thought having gone into the production. It was not easy to pitch to the panel but all managed the process well with confidence and professionalism".

Click here for more on Media courses at Harrow College.