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A Harrow College students has won the highly respected Jack Petchey Achievement Award for his effort and dedication during the first term of this academic year.

The scheme is a reward and recognition initiative which enables youth organisations like Harrow College to celebrate the achievements of their young people.

Jake Willet, a UAL Level 3 Year 2 Media student was nominated by his tutor for his generous and inspiring support during the Media induction period in the first week of September (2018).

Jake volunteered to support staff in all induction sessions which welcomed new learners to the college. Jake did an incredible job, making new learners feel comfortable and confident with the college and the course. Jake supported ice-breaker activities, shared his own experiences of the college, aided tours of the campus and hosted Q&A sessions.

Vishal Raja, Digital Media Lecturer at Harrow College nominated Jake. Vishal commented:

“I personally feel very happy for Jake, especially as Jake has had some challenging times in 2018 and really pleased to see him doing something encouraging and being positive”.

The Jack Petchey Achievement Award scheme is given to young people who make a wholehearted, unselfish and dedicated contribution to their community. The Jack Petchey Foundation was launched in 1999 by Jack Petchey CBE, himself an East End entrepreneur. On their own website, a quote from Jack Petchey regarding his awards programme reads "We do it because we want to help young people raise their aspirations, believe in themselves and make a contribution to their society".

As well as the award, Jake also receives a grant of £250 which is to be used for the benefit of a group.

The Media department have a great record of success with this award having won this award seven times in the last in 6 years – an outstanding achievement!

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