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Four Harrow College students were honoured with a Jack Petchey achievement award for their outstanding work and efforts during the academic year. The scheme is a reward and recognition initiative which enables youth organisations like Harrow College to celebrate the achievements of their young people.

The awards were presented by the Deputy Mayor of Harrow, Councillor Kairul Kareema Marikar, at the Watersmeet Theatre in Rickmansworth on Tuesday 6th February 2018.

As well as their awards, each student winner also received a grant of £250 which has been used for the benefit of a group.

The Jack Petchey Foundation was launched in 1999 by Jack Petchey CBE, himself an East End entrepreneur. On their website, a quote from Jack Petchey regarding his awards programme reads "We do it because we want to help young people raise their aspirations, believe in themselves and make a contribution to their society".

Congratulations to all the winners! Below are the details of their achievements:

1. Eduard Manghar
Eduard was recently admitted to hospital to undergo surgery. He informed the college before he went and ensured all his work was handed in on time. He even asked for extra work so that he didn't fall behind. After a month, he returned and was as enthusiastic as ever, even asking if other students need support. Eduard never lets his disability get in the way of what he want to do. He chose to spend the award on headphones and tablets for the department.

2. Troy Collins
Troy is a special needs student who has been in college for the past 3 years on the Work Preparation course. He has been a real asset running a snack bar in the canteen with the college caterers. He has been trained to work in the canteen selling food to staff and students and has passed his food hygiene certificate which he did online. He has now been offered paid employment with the college caterers. His award enabled students from his class go on a trip to Hounslow Urban Farm and Megajump Trampoline Park.

3. Romica-Victor Badulescu
Romica is an exemplary student and is part of the Learner Voice committee and Student Union which involved meeting with the Principal and representing the views of the college. He is also part of the Enterprise Society where his team raised a substantial amount for the charity Sufra NW London and he also volunteered for the charity which is a food bank striving to stop hunger in the community. Romica was able to purchase 14 professional headphones for use by the department.

4. Brendan Chivasa
Brendan has cerebral palsy and wishes to spread awareness and support for those with the same condition in Africa. He has recently set up his own charity where has started to contact businesses who have old equipment such as wheelchairs, walking sticks and walking frames to see if they will donate them. He is at the early stage in his venture and is inspirational. Brendan chose Amazon vouchers which was used to purchase equipment for the department.

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