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A group of passionate young IT students from Harrow College have attended a technology rally held at Facebook’s London office. The event, on 11th September 2017, included an inspiration meeting with Young Digital Leader of the Year 2017 and CEO of, Jack Parsons (pictured above).

The BTEC Level 3 students were attending an evening event called ‘The Pledge’. The event was run by, a digital technology company who are launching a new social media platform in November 2017. The new initiative will aim to offer two million young people access to purposeful opportunities.

The newly-launched allows its users to present their many achievements via showcases and connect to brands that are relevant to their life aspirations. The site will operate similar to that of LinkedIn only aimed specifically at millennials with a fresh modern online feel – click to view.

The Harrow College students listened intently to talks by representatives from Accenture, Sigma Systems and yourfeed. They were given an insight into the variety of opportunities available in the new digital age and were given advice on how to plan for the future. Following a closing Q&A session, the group networked with members of the team including 23 year old CEO, Jack Parsons.

The students thoroughly enjoyed their informative and often eye-opening evening. One student commented:

“This evening was an amazing opportunity for me as I got the chance to connect with lots of people. Networking like this will be beneficial in the future.  I also learnt new tips and advice about my career journey and what my options will be after I leave college”.

The visit was organised by Career Colleges. Career Colleges offer an exciting, employer-led curriculum for students wishing to benefit from a vocational IT course at Harrow College. This range of courses allows employers to take a leading role in designing and delivering certain aspects of the curriculum, with future employment in mind. Students get the additional benefit of involvement in work-related projects, developing enterprise and communication skills, to prepare them for work and life.

For more information about IT courses at Harrow College or to enrol for 2017-18, click here.