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ICT students (Information & Communications Technology) at Harrow College have showcased their digital skills by delivering an Expo event based around the theme of mental health awareness.

After spending a number of days carefully planning and preparing their work, the students gathered in a packed lecture theatre to present their displays.

Working in small groups, Level 1 students produced some very impressive digital screen savers and posters – each displaying a carefully thought message about the importance of mental health.

Level 2 students put their creative skills to full use by producing mental health awareness posters which they displayed along the IT centre corridors for all to see.

Level 3 students developed their own websites, thinking carefully about user interface, functionality and visual appearance as well as ensuring their website content addressed the key issues surrounding the Expo theme.

The ICT Expo ended with a presentation where awards were presented to students who had particularly excelled. This included a special guest speaker from the MIND mental health charity who was very impressed with the student’s efforts.

Sultan Soukani, Director of Curriculum and Community Engagement said;

“The ICT Expo 2018 has been an excellent way for our students to demonstrate their skills and the quality of work has been excellent”.

The Harrow College Expo celebrates student life at the college. The Expo gives students from each department an opportunity to provide an insight into what they do on their course and what their aspirations are for the year ahead.

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