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Four Sports students aged 18-20 from Harrow College could soon be stepping out on to the home of Cricket – Lords, to umpire a cricket match. The students, currently studying Level 1 and Level 2 courses at the college, have signed up to complete The London Youth Games Introductory Cricket Umpiring Course, run in conjunction with the ECB (England and Wales Cricket Board).

The one day intensive training course run by London Youth Games (Europe's largest youth sports festival), sees budding umpires learn about the roles and responsibilities of umpiring. They also get to experience a practical demonstration of the format used in London Youth Games indoor cricket.

In order to complete the course and receive their award, the trainee umpires are then required to officiate at the London Youth Games Indoor Cricket qualifier games which take place at Harrow Leisure Centre in February. There, each student will independently umpire a separate match and then feedback their results to the head official on the day.

The completion of the course will climax with the final at Lords in March 2017.

Click here for more information on Sports courses at Harrow College.