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Many of you will now be coming to the end of your studies and feel entitled to a well-earned Summer break. But before you put up your feet to enjoy six weeks of holiday, spare a thought for your future. There are lots of useful things you can be doing to develop your skills, knowledge and experience that can help you on the road to securing your perfect future career or course.

Be your own Careers expert

How much do you actually know about the kind of jobs available in London? Which of these jobs are the highest paid? and more importantly...what are the jobs of the future? All this information is available by linking into Career Coach on the Harrow College website. Remember, the more you know about the current job market the better decisions you will make about your future career, it can also help you target specific job areas for part time work.


Volunteering can help you build your employability skills and get a flavour of a job area you might be interested in. Make a good impression and you might even land a paid job. It could be as easy as walking into your local charity to see if they need help to developing web content and social media for a local organisation or building an urban garden (click here to find a huge range of local volunteering opportunities). Remember unpaid work experience is just as valuable as paid as it shows you are prepared to give up your time to help others. It will develop your skills and is a valued addition to your CV or university personal statement.

Get connected on social media to help with job hunting, develop your contacts to help further your career

Following companies on twitter or Facebook allows you to pick up instant news and trends about an organisation, how they recruit and even job alerts. Use your own tweets to show you have an interest in a particular career. If you feel you come across better in person, why not tell people about yourself on a Video CV?

Learn a new skill on-line

If you want to expand your skills and interests why not check out on-line courses, you could study a variety of things from robotics to how to write your first song. Check out youtube or futurelearn for starters. Great for making you stand out on your CV or UCAS form and give you something interesting to talk about during an interview.

Start developing that Business idea you always had

Lots of young people like you have great business ideas but are not sure what to do next or where to get help. Start by going to the prince's trust website for lots of help and advice and to find free Start Up Enterprise courses in your local area or click here - you never know you could be on the road to success sooner than you think!