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Harrow College students have been successfully awarded with financial bursaries to support their educational development, thanks to the Helena Kennedy Foundation.

The Foundation exists to overcome social injustice by providing financial bursaries, mentoring and support to disadvantaged students from the further and adult education sectors, enabling them to complete their studies in higher education and move on successfully into employment.

The Helena Kennedy Foundation and Harrow College have developed a strong working relationship over the past three years. The confidence and clarity of student ambition at Harrow College has resulted in the Foundation awarding students a fantastic £17,000 over three years.

Chris Evans, Student Progression Advisor at Harrow College, is extremely passionate about providing support to students. Chris has spearheaded the bursary application process for a number of years and through his endless dedication and perseverance, five students this year have been successful with their applications.

Haia Al-Hamweya , (University of East London) Bedour Al-Shameri, (City University studying Optometry) Priya Pandey, (Middlesex University) and Jwhara Ahmed-Elmi (Imperial College London University) are all Science students at Harrow College who will each receive £2,250 to help towards their upcoming university tuition fee.

Speaking about her successful application, A-Level student Bedour said:

‘The College has supported me through some very testing years since I moved from Kuwait. Awards from the Jack Petchey Foundation, the David Stewart bursary and now the Helena Kennedy Foundation have really supported my studies financially but also emotionally, knowing that there is help out there for students who are struggling’.

The success of this year’s bursary applications are not only a great achievement for the aspiring students, but also for Chris and the support team staff at Harrow college who work tirelessly to help students at the college to achieve their career ambitions.