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The video production skills of Media students has been showcased at a dazzling Media Expo event. The free public event saw crowds of people descend upon Arc House Performance Space in Lowlands Recreation Ground to brave the cold evening temperatures and enjoy an evening of quality short video screenings (10 Nov 2016).

For this year’s Media EXPO, Level 3 Creative Media students were asked to produce short (3 minute) promotional videos exploring either a small business or team/department within an institution, a community group / club, an inspiring individual, a landmark or a specific venue. The video could either advertise a service, communicate a message or introduce audiences to a particular facility/cause.

Storyboards were first produced and were on display at the Expo showing how the students visually planned the sequencing of their videos. After filming their videos on location with the client, the students then came back to the media suites at Harrow College and applied their post-production editing knowledge to complete their videos. These included lighting and timing considerations, transitions and effects, music choice and careful cutting. The Expo provided students with the ideal opportunity to put their media knowledge, acquired during college term time, into full use on a real life client brief.

Well-known names from the world of media were also in attendance to enjoy the event. This included Rashid Kasirye, a former Harrow College student and founder of one of the UK’s leading music and entertainment platforms called LinkUp TV. Rashid was present to support the current cohort of students but also to watch one of the videos in which LinkUp TV was itself the subject. Also in attendance was regular broadcaster Richard Norton-Taylor who has been writing for the Guardian since 1973 and until recently was the paper's security editor. Many of the clients featured in the videos also attended to watch the première screening and to support the young learners.

The evening ended with an awards ceremony to reward students for their efforts and achievements with the Expo project. Speaking at the event, Owen Price, Curriculum Manager for Art, Design and Media said; “The quality of work on display has been of a very high standard. The Media Expo has given students the opportunity to go out and meet real clients. They have applied many new skills, methods and knowledge into practice and the experience of this will be invaluable for their future careers”.

Click here for more on Media Course at Harrow College