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Construction and Engineering students have unveiled their Eco House structures at a special Expo event (11 Nov). The structures, which show how modern-day buildings can be environmentally sustainable, have been in production for a number of weeks by the students who have made this the focus of their Harrow College Expo 2016 celebration.

Teams consisting of student plumbers, electricians and carpenters on City & Guilds courses embarked on the project which put sustainability and renewable resource at the heart of the build - a key focus of today’s construction industry. Solar energy and rain water harvesting were just two of the methods showcased at the event.

Both theory and practical elements were applied during the progression of the project. Topics including the risk assessments, material choice, cost and team work were all addressed.

As the weeks went by, the passionate young learners and proud course tutors saw the Eco House take shape. Working together helped to develop key teamwork, communication and presentation skills. The successful application of these skills ultimately ensured the students achieved their building project objectives. From idea conception at the start of the term to a final presentation event, students unveiled their Eco House in a packed room filled with students, staff and parents.

Stephen Hogarth, Curriculum Manager for Construction and Engineering at Harrow College commented "Sustainability is key a topic for the sector and events like today's Expo are fantastic for combining real life issues with curriculum studies. The students have been really enthusiastic throughout the process and taken the opportunity to put their skills into practice. The results of their hard work is very pleasing to see".

Seventeen year old Hysen Zejnullahi is a Level 2 Plumbing student who was involved in the project. He said "The Expo has been really fun and seeing the Eco House come to fruition has been the best part. I’ve learnt a lot about team work and working with fellow trades people on a project such as carpenters and electricians”.

The Eco House will now continue to be built and developed by the learners to further enhance their learning experience and provide opportunity for assessment.

Click here for more on Construction, Electrical and Plumbing courses at Harrow College.