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A cold and windy Tuesday evening was brightened up to the highest level when Hair, Beauty & Make-Up students from Harrow College wowed a packed audience with a Winter Wonderland themed fashion show as well as free beauty treatments as part of their student Expo celebrations.

The event, at the new Enterprise Centre, brought together current students from various Hair, Beauty and Make-Up courses at the college. Nail bars offered visitor's mini manicures including hand massages, nail filing and nail design. A separate dark room was set up especially for the evening where guests were invited inside to relax as students performed Indian head massages. This soothing treatment ensured an air of calm could set in before the highlight of the evening commenced.

With the area now packed with standing room only, the much anticipated fashion show commenced. Music played aloud as student models took to the cat walk parading in fantastic costumed designed by their fellow peers. Hair styles were on point whilst face make-up was creatively designed with every little detail carefully choreographed. The models took a well-deserved standing ovation as they waved to the crowds (scroll to bottom of page to view video).

The event ended with the projection of a special video produced by media students which captured a day in the life of the Hair & Beauty department at Harrow College. With a few laugh out loud moments included, the video showcased the quality facilities on offer to students that support them as they pursue their career ambitions.

Speaking of the event, Coron Zammito, Curriculum Manager for Hair & Beauty at Harrow College said "everybody has been really excited about today's Expo and we're pleased so many people were able to attend and see the high standard of work our students produce. With their continuing hard work and our support, we're confident that many will go on to have successful careers in the industry".