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Science and Maths was the centre of attention at the Weald Campus last week as the two subjects combined to deliver their Expo celebrations. Students showed exactly why the two subjects can be so much fun, fascinating and imperative to our daily lives in so many ways.

The Science and Maths takeover saw exhibitions taking place across the campus. Science students donned labs coats as they gave demonstrations to fascinated onlookers including heart dissections, urine tests and lung and DNA model exhibits. Chemistry students had their safety goggles on as they did a number of live experiments including exothermic reactions which saw sparks fly and volcanoes erupt – literally! Others took to the field and fired rockets high into the air using water pressure. Earth science, protein synthesis, rotten bread experiments, the processes that support life in our atmosphere and robotics were just a few of the others which kept visitors, including local primary school children, intrigued throughout the afternoon.

Maths students were there to show visitors the importance of mathematics. Using science as a focus topic, they presented plans of how they would set about designing and building a new pharmacy and other business buildings. They explained the role that maths would play including the formulation of business plans, forecasting sales and calculating profit and loss.

Michael Worgs, Curriculum Manager for Science at Harrow College, was delighted with the Expo event. He said "The students were really keen to showcase the subjects they study. They put a lot of work into today's event and feedback from visitors has been fantastic. It was great that we've had the opportunity to welcome guests through our college doors to see the great work our students do to progress with their education".