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Harrow College has taken further strides as it continues to build strong international partnerships.

In recent weeks, the British Council has awarded Harrow College with two Advanced Partnerships under their Skills for Employability Programme. International skills partnerships are increasingly recognised by governments and industry globally as a powerful and highly cost-effective way of building the skills required to deliver economic prosperity, social cohesion and individual fulfillment. They enable organisations like Harrow College to share knowledge and experience, and work together to develop new and imaginative approaches.

Each project is worth £15,000 and will enable Harrow College to build on its existing work in South Africa. In addition to the Advanced Project in South Africa, Harrow College were selected to host 3 leadership exchange programmes. Three college leaders from South Africa recently visited Harrow College as part of a 10 day Leadership Exchange Programme. The visit was a great success and provided another opportunity for the college to appeal to an international audience.

Specific departments within the college are also of keen interest. Sultan Soukani, ICT Curriculum Manager (Information and Communication Technologies) had the pleasure of hosting a 'Head of Section for IT' teacher from Spain. Such events allow both establishments to learn from one another, exchange ideas of best practice and discuss experiences from each college's native country. A reciprocal visit is being planned to take place soon.

And finally, Harrow College hosted a visit by 21 teachers from Germany as part of a study tour programme (pictured above). The teachers, from different schools and colleges in Germany, were presented with curriculum detail, information about teaching methods and general college life from both a staff and students perspective. It is hoped the teachers can take key insight back to Germany and apply within their own educational establishments.

Harrow College has for some years been involved in a number of vocational educational programmes with guidance and support from the British Council. These include successful partnerships in Tunisia, Tanzania, Nigeria, Tunisia, Libya, Dubai and South Africa to name but a few.

Commenting on the progress made by Harrow College Akshan Baksh, Head of HE and International Development said "Our international strategy has, from the start, had a clear focus on growth - both in terms of additional income as well as providing opportunities for staff and students at Harrow and overseas to see this as a platform to grow and develop within themselves. Harrow College has a strong brand and reputation in a number of overseas regions and our activities reflect our own diverse college community and further enriches our college".