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Students from Harrow College have made a visit to the University of Westminster to see what life in higher education is like.


BTEC Applied Science students visited the university's biochemistry and pharmacology department in central London, on Wednesday 22 October.


As part of the field trip students experienced working in a large university laboratory.


They also undertook a series of practical activities to develop their understanding of the key concepts fundamental to research in the disciplines of biology and biochemistry.


Student Hasib Karimzadah said that he enjoyed taking part in the laboratory exercises.


“It was a great experience to learn about university," said Karimzadah. "The practical experiments were really interesting. It was great to see how different chemicals could produce such different reactions and products with such different properties. The taster day is definitely something I would recommend to a friend.”


Students also attended a talk hosted by the university on the career opportunities available in the sphere of biology, biochemistry and pharmacology.


Student Mika Zulu said: “The university taster day was great because I gained more experience about studying at university and the environment was friendly, which has encouraged me to think more about what I should study after college.”


Michael Worgs, curriculum manager for Science added: "The University of Westminster has offered our students a glimpse of university life and how science can be fun, interesting and lead to a fulfilling and useful career. The science department at Harrow College encourages our students to think about their careers after college and this taster day was a great introduction to what options are available to our students."