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Learners at Harrow College have been celebrating after receiving their GCSE results.

In total, 363 students received A*-C grades in subjects including Biology, Chemistry, English, Maths and Physics.

Student Beatriu Asamoa Kokote, who doesn’t have English as her first language and only moved to the UK in 2012, has achieved A grades in GCSE Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics.

“I’m so amazed by my results,” said Kokote. “I’m now hoping to study my A-Levels at Harrow College.”

Nishma Dinesh Thakor, who achieved Biology A*, Chemistry A*, Maths A*, Physics A and English Literature B, was also pleased with her GCSE results.

“I’m so happy and excited,” said Thakor. “I was really scared before I got my results but now I know what I got I want to jump up and scream. I now want to do A-Levels at Harrow College because I loved the teaching here. I’m hoping to study Biology, Chemistry, Maths and either Economics or Psychology.”

Student Hussein Merali said that he was “really happy” with his four As in Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics.

“I wasn’t expecting to get these marks,” said Merali. “I came out of the exam playing over all the mistakes I could have made but I’m really happy with these results.”

Harrow College is proud of all the hard work its GCSE students have put into passing their exams and the college wishes them all the best with their journey into further education.