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During a fine sunny day in early October, the main stage doors to Arc House were fully opened inviting members of the public to come in and see leaners from Harrow College put their creative juices to work.

Learning Links student Natasha Keen, Shivam Macadia and Simon Clack demonstrated their art and craft skills and treated visitors to Arc House, a new café and performing art space, to live die cutting, hand painting on mirrors and decoupage (the art of decorating an object by gluing coloured paper cut-outs onto it).

The learners also got the opportunity to exhibit some of their previously completed artwork and offer items for sale to help raise money to equip a sensory room in the new LLDD building at Harrow Weald Campus – a specialist centre for students with learning difficulty/disability.

Commenting on the day's activities, Lecturer for LLDD students Sue Makonnen said:

"Our visit to Arc House gave some of the students a 'work' session and the opportunity to show some of the craft work created by the LLDD groups. Arc House kindly invited us to showcase some of our products for sale there in the future. We thoroughly enjoyed the day and look forward to further events like this inthe future".