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Harrow College welcomed a party of international visitors this week as part of a programme designed around sharing best practice and exchanging ideas.

Five academic professionals comprising of policy advisors, education managers, healthcare officers and public policy administrators were in London on a 5-day visit from the Master Management and Innovation in Public Organisations (MMI) based in the Netherlands.

During a busy schedule, the academics were keen to visit Harrow College to discuss social innovation within vocational education. Topics covered included key policy strategies that Harrow College plan to adopt over the next few years, how the college keep up with new developments in the labour market and key challenges faced by the London education sector.

Representations from across Harrow College met with the visitors including college Principal and Chief Executive Pat Carvalho.

Gerdy Hoornenborg was one of visitors really impressed by the work being done at Harrow College. She commented "Today has been an excellent opportunity for us to share ideas and learn more about how Harrow College. We have taken a lot of really useful information from today's visit and look forward to continuing with this great partnership that we have".

To find out more about the international provision at Harrow College, click here