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Future – was the theme for the expo presented by ESOL students at the Enterprise Centre this Thursday. Spread across two floors, visitors got to see a wide variety of ‘futuristic’ ideas, presentations and models made by the students.

ESOL E3 Science students presented their ideas about the creation of a Space City. Their idea was to build a self-sufficient city in space as an alternative for the burgeoning population on the earth. They created models of how the city would look in space and showcased ideas on how to garner resources like water, energy, housing, agriculture etc. for the space city.

ESOL GCSE Science package students wrote ‘letters to aliens’ explaining how interested they were in making friends with them. Some described their own features for the benefit of the aliens while others invited them over for a cup of tea! Another project saw how students imagined the football world cup taking place on the moon, with teams from different planets. Students sourced videos from YouTube to explain how they anticipated this would look like.

Entry 2 ESOL Business students compared traditional and modern medical services. They discussed current and traditional services like the NHS which offer a face to face, interpersonal consultation versus more recent medical services which offer medical consultations and services over the internet or via phone. They compared the pros and cons of each type of service and also took feedback from visitors regarding their preference for each type of service.

In addition to all of the above, students also presented their ideas on driverless cars, cars running on water, solar powered cars, smart watches, laser phones and to top it all, a chip in the human body to act like his phone, credit card, keys, personal details card and what you may. All seemingly futuristic but slowly becoming true.

Back to the present, one group of students discussed healthy eating, explained how nutrients are important for the functioning of the human body and even had a food stall serving salad, wraps, fruits and more…
Staff and students that attended the expo, liked what they saw and thought that the ideas were well presented and a lot of effort had gone into making models for the Expo.

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The Harrow College Expo celebrates student life at the college. The Expo gives students from each department an opportunity to provide an insight into what they do on their course and what their aspirations are for the year ahead.