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Take a few simple steps to help you with your exam preparation. Here are some suggestions which have proved to be a success with students in the past!

Make a realistic revision schedule. Work out how much you have to do & the time you have to do it in, then break it down into manageable chunks. Aim to do a few hours of revision each day, and mix up your subjects so you don't get bored.

Taking regular short breaks while you're working may help to reduce stress. A break every 45 to 60 minutes is about right. Taking your mind off your work will help you come back to it feeling refreshed. Try a relaxation routine…for example, close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Breathe out more slowly than you breathe in.

Eat right…
Treat yourself to fresh fruit and vegetables and have a proper breakfast. Fuel your brain as well as your body - no one can think straight on coffee and chocolate alone.

Stay hydrated - drinking lots of water, low-calorie sodas or herbal teas is key to feeling alert. Juices or sugary drinks can make you feel jittery and mess up your energy levels. Caffeinated tea and coffee perk you up, but they can all leave you craving more and, in excess, will either slow or bring you down, or over-stimulate you

Sleep well….
Wind down before bed and don't revise under the duvet - your bed is a sanctuary, not a desk. Try to get your eight hours.

Take time for physical activity. Regular and frequent exercise is a good stress reducer; helping to relive the physical tension and release those feel-good brain chemicals called endorphins.

Research shows that not only does laughter improve our mood; it also relieves stress and improves our immune system.

Reward yourself…
Try to make time for yourself away from your studies to wind down e.g. going running and shutting out the world for a while.
Take time for your mind and body to relax. Chatting with friends, meditation, or just watching a bit of telly can take the edge off.
Everyone needs time off. Do not abandon your social life altogether but for a period near the examinations, you may need to cut down. It's important to keep in mind that some sacrifices may be valuable in achieving what you want to get from the course.

Panic is often triggered by hyperventilating (quick, shallow breaths). So if you feel yourself losing it during the exam, sit back for a moment and control your breathing. Deep breath in and out through the nose, counting to five each way.

Learn to recognise when you're stressing out...
A break or a chat with someone who knows the pressure you're under will help to get things into perspective.

If you're feeling stressed, it's important to talk to someone you trust, such as a family member, teacher or a friend. Many people find exams difficult to deal with, so don't be embarrassed to ask for support. Our Careers team are also always on hand to offer support.

Click here for information about the Careers and Empolyability service at Harrow College.