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Scheduling regular study time for each subject is the best way to prepare for end-of-year exams. Here are a few of our best tips to help you prepare for your exams.

Work together / study groups

A benefit of having a study group is that it offers the opportunity to revise by helping others; explaining a concept to others reinforces the information in you.

Another benefit is the perspectives of others who may see things that you miss.


Another useful tip is to create flashcards.

Remember, part of the magic of flashcards is that they can be used to break down concepts into small bits of information. Use them for definitions, formulas, and anything that you must simply memorise.

Prepare, don't cram!

Cramming (long hours of study just before an exam) has been linked to lower retention of the material studied and lower test results compared to students who studied for less time but over a longer period.

The best test-taking strategies involve preparing well in advance, keeping a regular study schedule, and giving yourself enough time to revise properly before the actual exams.

The night before

In general, there are a few things that will help you move through exams smoothly - sleep well the night before, eat a light healthy breakfast, and arrive at the exam in good time.

Don’t panic on the day

When faced with a difficult question, take a deep breath and try not to panic. Clarity of thought will help to save the day. Also where possible, show every step of your working out!

Talk to others

Finally, talking to others who have already taken the exam can help boost your confidence. Ultimately, performance on the day is as much about preparation as it is about a positive mental framework. You can do this; others have done it and lived to tell the tale; you will too. Good luck.

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