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The second in a series of careers mock interview sessions has taken place at Harrow College (Whitefriars Centre campus) focusing on employment within the construction sector.

26 students on Plumbing and Carpentry courses attended the session on 16 May 2016, with the aim of learning how to positively market their skills and improve their interview techniques.

With the support of the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB), employers including the Construction Youth Trust, Mulalley, Guided Ultrasonics, Roalco, Bouygues UK and Wilkos volunteered their time to conduct mock employment interviews, just as they would in a real job interview scenario. This ensured students received the best understanding of a formal work related interview process. Students were assessed on their responses as well as other important competencies such as enthusiasm and body language. The students were given constructive feedback by the employers including what they could improve for future interviews.

Feedback from the session was very positive with students commenting on the experience being extremely valuable. Employers too were full of praise for the participating students rating the students highly for their performance. The students achieving the highest performance rating were awarded with Nando’s vouchers by the Harrow College Careers team.Curriculum Manager for Construction at Harrow College, Stephen Hogarth, will now follow up a number of leads which came from the employers who discussed potential future employment opportunities for construction students at Harrow College.

Joanne Whitehead, Careers Team Leader at Harrow College commented “Many of the students will face interviews from employers in the future so specific preparation like this from within the sector is designed to give the young learners a head start on their career journeys”.

Click here if you are interested in Plumbing, Electrical and Construction courses at Harrow College.