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The second stage of a successful employer/student engagement programme at Harrow College has commenced with the first few sessions once again proving to be very insightful and rewarding.

Students across all subject areas at Harrow College are being visited by business volunteers and employees from a number of leading organisations. This initiative aims to bring real live industry experience and challenges into the college environment by way of assessemnts and presentations. 

This follows stage one of the programme which took place in late 2017 when employees visited students during class time to speak about their journeys from education to employment.

Companies involved in the programme so far include NHS, Lancome, Investec Bank, Royal Mail, Lloyds Banking Group, Yves Saint-Laurent, Royal Bank of Scotland and more. Many of the speakers have been providing tips on what the students can do now to benefit their future careers. Networking was a recurring topic with students being encouraged to grow their contacts and connections from all walks of life using the LinkedIn online social networking platform. Others spoke about the importance of developing skills, taking opportunities and building work experience to successfully climb the career ladder. 

Some students have had the opportunity to work to a live business brief set by the employers. Devising a marketing campsign for Pepsi, setting up a small business, designing logos, creating adverts and discussing business ethics have been just some of the topics the Harrow College students have tackled and presented in front of the industry experts. Buckingham Futures, a local recruitment company, played a key role in the latest sesssion working closely with students and helping to make the day a great success.

The programme is being delivered by Working Knowledge - a social enterprise that exists to open the eyes of business to the young talent available locally.

Speaking at the end of stage one of the programme, Lee Janaway, Head of Learner Services, Experience & Employment at Harrow College said:

“Harrow College is focused towards providing students with the skills, knowledge and experiences that will prepare them for their future employment aspirations. Stage 1 of this activity has seen 70 business volunteers come into the college and we hope to maintain these working relationships throughout the year and draw upon their expertise to the benefit of our student.”