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Thursday 18 August is A-Level exam results day and many of you will have important decisions to make - University? HND? HNC? Clearing? Re-take your A-Levels? Gap year? Whatever your results, we're here to help you with advice and options for what you do next.

Top tips for Clearing

Clearing isn't so bad, especially with a bit of preparation.

1. Whether you're expecting to go into Clearing or not, there is no harm in doing some research before results day.

Research can be anything from reading up on courses to checking out campuses and facilities. Visit websites and see if the course content is what you are expecting to learn. Make a list of these courses so you are ready when the clearing lists are published. Thinking about Harrow College? Visit our campuses in Harrow on the Hill and Harrow Weald. If you're not from Harrow, don't forget to explore what the area has to offer.

2. Check the Independent newspaper on results day as it will have a list of all clearing places available.

Once you have found a place that you think you are suited for, you can phone and discuss it with the university/college. Don't rush it; speak to your family, friends and teachers first.

3. Make the process as easy as you can for yourself by having these essentials on hand before you call the clearing hotline:

• Your Clearing entry number
• Your UCAS personal ID
• You’re a-Level and GCSE grades
• A pen and paper handy

The Clearing hotline will be busy. But don't get disheartened, keep trying. Make a list of the opening times of the 'clearing hotlines' for your chosen institutions'. Save yourself some time by having the above all handy.

Remember when you speak to an admissions tutor, you need to show yourself in the best light and sell yourself as a potential student in order for them to ask you to apply. So put in your best.

Higher Education (HE) options at Harrow College

For current students progressing onto HND / HNC courses who would like further help, we would suggest coming into Harrow College on A-Level results day where the careers team will be available to help (Harrow-on-the-Hill campus on 18 August). Staff will be available between 9am and 1pm. Please call 0208 909 6208 or 0208 909 6583.

For new students joining us for the first time to study a HE course, you're invited to attend Harrow College (Harrow-on-the-Hill campus) on Thursday 25 August during our enrolment times of 9:30am – 6:30pm when all teaching staff and careers will be available to help.

How we can help

Our phone lines will be open throughout for general enquiries and clearing. From 18 August our careers team will be available for help and support (please phone 0208 909 6000 to check times and campus details). From 25 August, the college enrolment for September 2015 will be open. Click here for full details of dates and times

Remember, there is still time to apply to our Higher Education courses at Harrow College. Click for more details