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With the exciting move to a brand new Health & Care building recently completed, the Childcare department at Harrow College celebrated with an Expo event (on 14th November 2017) with students choosing ‘transitions’ as a fitting theme for their annual showpiece.

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The new purpose built building which opened earlier this month, played host to the Childcare Expo 2017 which gave students across the department the opportunity to provide visitors with an insight into their course, present some of their themed work and showcase their wonderful new building.

The groups addressed some important topics, many close to their own hearts. Visitors to the event, who included fellow students, staff and invited guests, got to see displays and presentations covering various ‘transition’ topics such as moving to a new country, cultural food differences including a blindfold test to identify global herbs and spices, the evolution of technology, sexuality, transition between age groups, support for children moving to the UK, moving into a care home, first day at school, dealing with the loss of a pet, coping with allergies and more.

Students used multiple methods to creatively communicate their messages. Some brought is clothes, food and artifacts from their own country of origin whilst others devised games and fun tasks to interact with visitors. All of the exhibitors used pictures, colours and visual display items to ensure their topics were clearly represented.

Erica Mendes Da Silva (17) was one of the student taking part. She said: “This Expo has given me a chance to learn more about so many new topics.”

The Harrow College Expo celebrates student life. The Expo gives students from each department an opportunity to provide an insight into what they do on their course and what their aspirations are for the year ahead.

Click here for more information about Childcare and Health & Social Care courses at Harrow College.