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Business students at Harrow College took on the role of chocolatier as part of their recent Expo project. The young learners put their business knowledge to the test to launch a new virtual chocolate brand.

Working in small groups, the students were tasked with creating a new chocolate product, devising a business plan that would take the product to market and then generating a number of marketing ideas that would help to promote the new product.

Some of the many creative ideas included chocolate covered popcorn, stress-relieving chocolate, healthy chocolate bars and even chocolate money in the form of various global currencies. One group planned to specifically target the cinema going audience whilst another planned to stock their chocolate in chemists as a health remedy.

Visitors to the event including fellow students, staff and guests, had lots of fun as the groups presented their ideas using lap tops, projectors, branded t-shirts, leaflets and posters. One group went as far as actually making their chocolate so guests could taste the product on offer.

The day ended with a presentation ceremony which saw the best groups awarded with prizes. After the event, Sultan Soukani, Senior Curriculum manager for Business and IT at Harrow College said:

“Our students have really embraced this Expo project and taken the opportunity to showcase their business skill and creative thinking”.

The Harrow College Expo celebrates student life at the college. The Expo gives students from each department an opportunity to provide an insight into what they do on their course and what their aspirations are for the year ahead.