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IT students from Harrow College have been visited by a digital expert to learn about current trends impacting the IT industry. The focus of the session was Cloud technology, delivered by Head of Public Sector for Amazon Web Services, Chris Hayman.

Amazon have forged a number of close ties with Harrow College, resonating from the specialist Digital and Creative Career College which the college launched in 2015. This specialist career path combines curriculum studies with employability skills.

Cloud technology is an integral part of today’s IT industry. Gadgets such as smart phones, FitBits, smart watches, and the many applications which they support, generate huge amounts of data which is constantly being analysed. The Level 3 students learnt how Cloud technology allows for this data to be stored in real time allowing for seamless day to day usage (the Transport for London journey planner was a good example given to students of vast amounts of real time data using the Cloud).

Harrow College has benefited from a number of high profile industry visits throughout the year including representatives from Sony, Sky and IBM. These employer relationships are set to develop even further for the start of the new academic year in September with students having the opportunity to gain further career insight via initiatives such as employer talks, off-site visits and professional mentoring.

Speaking after the session, Digital Lead for the Career Colleges Trust, Julia Von Klonowski, said:

“Having one of the world’s biggest digital companies sharing their industry insight and knowledge is invaluable. We’re working on a number of new ideas with Harrow College which will bring students and leading employers even closer together. These programmes will be of great benefit to students and the careers paths they pursue”.

Click here for more information about Career Colleges at Harrow College.