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Health & Social Care

In this course you will study a number of mandatory and optional units to achieve a total of 120 credits in order to complete the qualification.

These are some examples of units you may study:

  • Developing Effective Communication in Health and Social Care
  • Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care
  • Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care
  • Sociological and Psychological Perspectives for Health and Social Care
  • Infection Prevention
  • Control and Development through the Life Stages.

    All full-time students will have a personal tutor and access to a wide range of enrichment activities. Your course will give you an opportunity to develop skills in numeracy, literacy and communication, including speaking and listening skills.
  • Entry requirements

    4 x GCSEs grade 9-4 (grade A - C) including English and Maths or a relevant Level 2 qualification at Merit or above. Students with 4 x GCSEs grade 9-4 (grade A - C) including English and Maths should apply and will be interviewed. Candidates require an enhanced DBS check.

  • Who is the course for?

    This course is suitable for young people aged 16 – 18 years’ old who wish to study full time and gain a qualification in Health and Social Care in order to progress to Higher Education or employment.

  • Study methods

    Through a mixture of lectures, discussions, group work, practical demonstrations, role play, interactive and online exercises and work experience (currently one day a week in a relevant care setting). You will be expected to undertake a significant amount of independent study outside of timetabled classes.

  • How is the course assessed?

    All units are internally assessed and there are no examinations. You will complete assignments for each units and these could include; written essays, written or verbal reports, presentations, roleplays, case studies, observations, quizzes/worksheets, diaries or journals.

  • Where Next – Job Opportunities

    On successful completion of this course you could progress to gain employment as an Assistant Care Worker, Residential Care Home Worker or go into social work.

  • Where Next – Further Studies

    Some learners may wish to gain the qualification in order to progress to a degree programme.

  • How to apply

    To apply for a course either click the APPLY NOW button - fill out the form online and submit

    OR download an application form here and post it to the address on the form.
    When we have received your application we will contact you to arrange an interview time.

Course starting Sep 2025

Starts 2 September 2025

Duration 2 Year(s)

Location Harrow Weald Campus

Days/Time Monday-Friday
09:00 - 17:00