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I have nothing but the highest praise and respect for Harrow College and my teachers Pauline and Liz in particular; for the opportunities afforded me as a result of doing the CELTA course.


"I have nothing but the highest praise and respect for Harrow College and my teachers Pauline and Liz in particular; for the opportunities afforded me as a result of doing the CELTA course.

I can honestly recommend the course to anyone who is seeking a career change. I completed the course in June and 2 weeks later I was able to secure a teaching post in a University in Saudi Arabia where I am, at the moment. Teaching and living in Saudi Arabia inevitably has its challenges
and is not for the faint hearted but despite that I am meeting some really nice people from all over the world.

I studied at Harrow College as I had decided to make a career change and return to my original vocation as a teacher. The one day a week course was very taxing but enabled me to continue to earn and study within the locality.

The tutors were committed and ethical in their approach to teaching the subject in order to give us the best chance of being good teachers. Feedback was always honest and constructive and I can honestly say I think I grew as a person.

All in all I will always be grateful that I did the course. It was challenging but the support you get from tutors and fellow students helps you through the tough times."