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Currently I'm studying Mathematics at the University of Nottingham. Studying at Harrow College really prepared me for university. All of my subjects consisted mostly of students aiming to go to university the next year and the college certainly took notice of that. Most of our tutorial sessions were about what we were going to do post A-levels and being in a science tutor group meant university was a big part of the content. Obviously nothing can fully prepare you for what comes next but Harrow definitely did the best job they could.

A Level Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Biology
September 2010 – June 2012

"Currently I'm studying Mathematics at the University of Nottingham. Studying at Harrow College really prepared me for university. All of my subjects consisted mostly of students aiming to go to university the next year and the college certainly took notice of that. Most of our tutorial sessions were about what we were going to do post A-levels and being in a science tutor group meant university was a big part of the content. Obviously nothing can fully prepare you for what comes next but Harrow definitely did the best job they could.

I enjoyed two things about studying at Harrow College: Firstly, the atmosphere. It was so much calmer and friendlier than the secondary school atmosphere. I'd come from a sixth form where all the relationships and social statuses had just carried over from the GCSE years so coming to a college that wasn't attached to a school was extremely refreshing. Secondly, the support from my teachers was incredible. I would have never expected to get grades as high as I did and I definitely wouldn't have achieved those grades without the help and support of the teaching staff at the college.

The story behind me coming to Harrow College is that I had just finished my AS year at another school and had achieved much lower grades than I had originally hoped for. I was unable to continue at my school and only had a few weeks to find a new place of education. In the three weeks after getting my results I called nineteen different establishments. Four allowed me to visit and apply, but only Harrow would allow me the subjects I wanted.

I feel as though I owe a great debt to Harrow College for helping me towards being where I am right now. One of the roads I travel past on the way to lectures is called Harrow Road and it always gives me a little twang as I spot it. I am immensely thankful for what Harrow College has done for me and I hope it continues to help others fulfil their academic potential for many years to come."